Sketchbook pages.

I usually draw on location with a pencil and then apply black ink at home, I prefer to elaborate the perspective with the subject in front of me, explore the initial feeling of the place, and at home I apply ink on it. But I do take pictures to have as a reference, it helps me finish the drawing. Everything is free hand, rarely I use a ruler.

My latest sketchbook was filled during the pandemic (2020-2021).

To see my latest updates, check my instagram account @citiesofme

This Sketchbook is from the German brand Leuchtturm, squared format (225 x 225mm), paper thickness 150g/qm and white acid-free paper.


Everyday life of my neighborhood, Leipzig, 2020.

Gardener and her house, Leipzig, 2020.

Van parked on a street

Van parked on my street, Leipzig, 2020.

Follow my Instagram account for more updates.

I usually post weekly, sketchbook pages and process videos.

